Experience of elaboration and adaptation of nano-composite PVC compound production technology for cable insulation application – the subject of the report of Svetlana Khashirova, KBSU
The open public shortlisting competition for the grant receipt rights to organize the complex projects for the high-technology production was led by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, on 25th August’10. The joint project “The elaboration of formulation and technology of nano-composite PVC compound production for cable insulation with the increased indexes of thermo-resistance, incombustibility and barrier characteristics” was one of the prizewinners of above mentioned public competition. The project was designed and developed by FSBO “Kabardino-Balkarskiy State University named after Kh.M.Berbekova”, with the assistance of plant “Kavkazkabel”, JSC “MakPolymer” and OJSC “PolyChemGroup”.
The purpose of the project is a development of the new cable composites with the increased heat-/fire-resistance and the barrier characteristics that can be successfully further applied on the production sites that have the exclusive standards for the cable insulation materials.
High-technology production startup of the up-to-date nano-composite cable plasticates on “OJSC Cable plant “Kavkazkabel” is an expected result by 2013. Estimated production capacity is 5KMT/y.
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