Polymer Industry of the Russian Federation
10.00-13.00 Domestic production and imports in the Russian market of polymers: range, quality, trends.
13.00-14.00 Lunch break.
14.00-16.00 Solid waste and secondary polymers: foreign experience, the Russian market, technology for processing and disposal.
16.00-16.30 Coffee break.
16.30-18.00 Companies’ Presentations.
- Greetings from the Department of Science, industrial politics and enterprises representatives of Moscow.
- Vsevolod Abramov, Chairman of the Russian Association of Plastics Converters.
The major innovative trends of plastics convertion development in RF.
- Abdulakh Mikitaev, General Director of JSC “ Makpolymer”, Doctor of Chemical Science, Professor, praised scienceman of RF.
Main tendencies of science and production development of synthetic polymers.
- Rafinat Yarullin, General Director of OJSC “ Tatnephtechiminvest-Holding”.
The new water-base polymers based on acrylic acids for extinguishing and agriculture needs.
- Marat Baimukanov, Vice-President of “Group Polyplastic”.
Advanced technologies of compounding and pipes production in the “Polyplastic”co.
- Mikhail Sutyaginskiy, General Director of JSC SC“Titan”.
About Omsk PP plant start-up with 180 КМТ/y capacity within the scope of petrochemical cluster of the “ Park” federal project.
- Robert Tashkalov, General Director of JSC “Nuran”.
About compounds production opening in Tatarstan Republic. Cable and other industries application.
- Svetlana Khashirova, Professor of the Organic chemistry and High-polymeric substances chair, KBSU named after Kh.M.Berbekova.
Experience of elaboration and adaptation of nano-composite PVC compound production technology for cable insulation application.
- Alexander Khvorost, JSC “BASF” specialist.
Review of BASF’s new materials and new technologies for polymeric industry application.
- Nikolay Petov, Chief of Marketing Dep of OJSC” Group oа the companies “TONAP”.
Russian potential of import-replacing polymeric films.
- Alexey Ablaev, President of the Russian Bio-Fuel Association.
The Bio-Plastics are the chances for Russia.
- Mikhail Levenbuck, Professor of “Oil ad Gas RSU named after I.M.Gubkin”.
About the economical peculianties of the Russian polymer industry.
- Igor Simonov-Emelianov, Doctor of the Technical Science, Prof., the Head of the Plastics Conversion Chair of Moscow Fine Chemicals Technology Academy named after M.V.Lomonosov.
The strategical trends of the Science-Intensive Plastics Technologies Development at the Plastics Conversion Chair of MIFChT named after M.V.Lomonosov.
- Ruslan Khalilov, General Director of «M-7» Industrial park.
Plastics Conversion Development under the Teck Park conditions.
- Igor Skopintsev, Assistanсe Professor, Candidate of Technical Science, Head of “Polymerservice” Chair of the MoscowUniversity of the Engineering Ecology.
The report is under coordination.
- Rustam Deberdeev, Head of the Plastics Conversion Technology and Composite Materials Chair of Kazan National R&D Technological University.
The report is under coordination.
- Mr. Barvinskiy, Ms. Sabsai, Ms.Barvinskaya, JSC “SiSoft”.
Advancements and problems of investigation of thermoplastics moulding under pressure: local factors influence on unfilled thermoplastics melt flow.
- Lyana Shoranova, Specialist of the Scientific Research Institute named after L.Ya.Karpov.
Non-combustible poly-olefin base materials, non-phosphorus and non-halogen one.
- Mr.Braginskiy, Mr. Barvinskiy, Ms. Barvinskaya, JSC “SiSoft”.
Shrinkage control modes in the process of thermoplastic moulding under pressure.